Bericht 7 (zwart): Uitnodiging voor studenten: internationaal beeldhouwsymposium Nederland

Uitnodiging voor studenten: internationaal beeldhouwsymposium Nederland

Collectief  ‘De Stenen Poort’  (  organiseert al 25 jaar internationale beeldhouwsymposia in steen.
Waar ze jarenlang grotere symposia organiseerden met professionele beeldhouwers willen ze nu voor de 14e editie hun beleid wijzigen . Zij willen nu een kleiner symposium organiseren met jonge beeldhouwers en studenten.
Uitnodiging in bijlage. Opgelet: deadline !

Contactpersoon:  Jan de de Pol (

Internationaal beeldhouwsymposium Nederland 2016A personal invitation for you.
 Dear  (student) sculptor,

We want to invite you  to participate in the 14th  international stone sculpture symposium The Netherlands .

I write you on behalf of  the 5 members of sculpture collective  “ De Stenen Poort”  , 
Borkel & Schaft ,The Netherlands. We are stone sculptors . For over 25 years we have  organised  13 international (bigger)  stone sculpture symposia.  You can find information about us and these symposia on

We want to change now our concept:  smaller and different from the past.

Our plan is to invite  5 young  sculptors to work with us for one week. 

Period of working:  Saturday 20 august  – Sunday 28 august  2016. ( Exhibition on saturday  27-08 and sunday 28-08) 

You take care for transport to Holland. ( Nearest airport is Eindhoven)
You bring your own tools ( You can rent easely machines  over here, if you wish )
We arrange everthing else: food , drinks , lodging, transport in Holland, publicity, stone, electricity, exhibition facilities.
You can bring 2 works for the exhibition.  You can sell your work directly to the public. We   ask  20 %  commission. 

We thought it would/could be a beautifull possibility for you to make a start with international contacts , a international exhibition and a symposium. 

Interested? Please contact me before 30-05-2016  ( )

( We have only 5 places. We contact more young stone sculptors. May be we must make a final selection . We  inform as soon as possible about this after 31-05-2016. Don’t hesitate to make your application. )

Greetings from the Netherlands
For  collective De Stenen Poort

Jan van de Pol 


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