
 Triënnale voor Grafiek Bangkok
Triennal pour Graphique Bangkok

The 4th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition
to celebrate on the Auspicious Occasion of Her Royal Highness Princess  Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s 5th Cycle Birthday Anniversary 2 April  2015 and
on the Occasion of  celebrating 72th Anniversary of Silpakorn University

        Silpakorn University has started its 1st International Print and Drawing Exhibition in Thailand and in the Southeast Asia region since 2003 for the purposes of
offering Thai and foreign artists an opportunity to display their most recent works in Print and Drawing and to demonstrate the progressive development of Modern Art circle inner and across the regions, as well as to provide the forum where Thai artists and printmakers can demonstrate their competence and creativity where they can interact with artists from other cultures all around the world and where they can share their experience and expertises in artistic and cultural perspectives.
        For pursuing our high initiative, the 2nd   Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition was organized and performed in 2008 - 2010 and the 3rd Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition was consecutively organized  during  2011- 2013 and later on the exhibition will be scheduled to be held  every three years.
        In 2014, as our sharing part to celebrate on the Auspicious Occasion of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 5th Cycle Birthday Anniversary on        2 April 2015 and on the occasion of  72thAnniversary of  Silpakorn University, as well as to welcome our becoming united ASEAN in 2015, Silpakorn University in cooperation with Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, will proceed the 4th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition during 2014 - 2016 in celebration of this memorable occasion.



The open contest exhibition includes two categories : prints and drawings.



The contest is open to both Thai and foreign artists.



1.   Artists may submit works in both categories.
2.   All works should be created from the year of 2013 and created on the paper only. (We do NOT ACCEPT any works printed on photo-printed papers).               Also, the works must never have received  any previous awards before.
3.   All works must be created and signed by the artist him/herself, as well as indicated the year of creating the works clearly. Without the artist’s own signature, the work will not be considered to proceed into the selection and judging process. 
4.   For the Print category, all techniques, whether single or multiple utilization, including mono prints and digital prints will be accepted. Prints should be on paper only (no other surface allowed). For the Drawing category, all techniques and combinations, including the following media: charcoal, pencil, ink, pastel, crayon, pen, etc. or mixed techniques will be accepted.
5.   A size of work on the paper should not less than 40x60 cm. and should not exceed 80 x 120 cm.  All works should be encased in tubes and sent by post.      


1.   Artists must submit a CD or DVD  of the art work. Each artist may submit a maximum of 3 entries per category. Submission must include the details of each art work, name of the artist, name of the work, techniques, year of creating work and size of work.
2.   Submission for the initial screening must be sent in the form of  image files of your works (saved as JPEG files) in CDs or DVDs (digital system). The file size should not be more than 5 MB. (Megabyte), with the delicateness of 150 DPI. The artist’s own signature and the year of creation should be indicated on the works evidently.  
3.   The period of submission CDs or DVDs  by post should be postmarked no earlier than August 1st and no later than August 20th, 2014  by post.
4.   Silpakorn University reserves the right to exclude late entries arriving later than the specified period of submission. Silpakorn University reserves the right to keep all CDs or DVDs of the artists’works entered for the initial screening and the CDs or DVDs will not be returned to the artists.  


1.   All artists who pass the initial screening are required to submit their original works  by 29 November 2014.

2.   Overseas residents must submit their original works to the university for final screening (the same address as for submission for the initial screening) by airmail only. Original works must not be framed. They should be encased in tubes and posted without insurance. “Printed Matter” (No commercial value) should be written on the tubes. The weight of the work and packaging shall not exceed 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) and the length of the tube shall not exceed 95 cm. to avoid damaging works.
3.   Thai residents must submit their works on November 27th-29th, 2014 including on public holidays, from 09.00 a.m.- 04.00 p.m at L floor, Art and Culture Office, Office of the President, Silpakorn University: 22 Borommarachachonnani Road, Taling Chan District, Bangkok 10170, THAILAND
4.   The university will do the framing for all works which pass the initial screening. 
5.   The organizer will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kinds of  works during shipping and handling to and from the exhibition including during the process of returning the works back to the artists after the exhibition ends.



1.   There will be two jury screenings: initial and final. Entries which pass the initial screening will be automatically entered into the final screening.
2.   Approximately 150- 200 pieces will be considered to pass the initial screening and enter into the final screening.
3.   For the final screening, international jurors who are distinguished artists and/or highly profiled artistic scholars will be invited by the working committee to select and judge for the final award-winning works.
4.   For the final screening, the jury committee reserves the right for the process of final screening and judgement. The selection results and the command decision made by both initial and final jury committee is final and no appeal. The organizer will take care of all entered works for the process of screenings, except the unexpected damages which happens beyond one’s control. 


Initial Screening  Jury Members:

Prof. Emeritus Prayat Pongdam              National Artist and Honorary Artist                                                        of Distinction, Thailand

Prof. Decha Warashoon          National Artist and Honorary Artist                                                            of Distinction, Thailand

Prof. Ithipol Thangchalok                       National Artist and Honorary Artist
                                               of Distinction, Thailand

Prof. Preecha Thaothong                 National Artist and Honorary Artist                                                       of Distinction, Thailand

Assoc. Prof. Pishnu Supanimit                       Professor and Critic ,
                                               Faculty of  Painting Sculpture and
                                               Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University

Mr. Amrit Chusuwan                              Dean, Faculty of  Painting Sculpture and
                                               Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University

Asst. Prof. Thavorn Ko-udomvit              Honorary Artist of Distinction, Thailand
and Vice-President for Art and Culture
                                               Silpakorn University

Asst. Prof. Yanawit Kunchaethong         Department of Graphic Arts,
Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University  

Final Screening  Jury Members:

Prof. Emeritus Chalood Nimsamer         National Artist, Thailand and
                                               Honorary Artist of Distinction

Prof. Akira Kurosaki                Professor of Printmaking, Japan and   
                                                International Printmaking Artist

Prof. Hugo Besard                    Professor of Printmaking, 
                                                Royal Academy of Fine Arts,
                                               University College - Antwerp, Belgium 

Prof. Pishnu Supanimit                  Professor and Critic ,
Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University

Asst. Prof. Thavorn Ko-udomvit              Honorary Artist of Distinction, Thailand
and Vice-President for Art and Culture
                                               Silpakorn University


The prizes will be awarded in each category ( Print and Drawing) :

1  Grand Prize         300,000  Baht                        (approximately   8,570  USD)
4  Triennale Prize       70,000  Baht per Prize         (approximately   2,000  USD)

1  Grand Prize         300,000  Baht                        (approximately   8,570  USD)
4  Triennale Prize      70,000  Baht per Prize          (approximately   2,000  USD)

Purchase Prizes       40,000  Baht per Prize  (approximately   1,145  USD)
(Approximately 10 Purchase Prizes might be awarded by co-sponsors of the exhibition and are not awarded separately between two categories )


1.   CDs or DVDs submitted for the initial screening will not be returned  to the artists.
2.   All award-winning works will become part of the collection of Silpakorn University, Thailand, except Purchase Prize winning works will be part of the collection of the sponsors.
3.   Silpakorn University retains the right to photograph and print photographs of prize winning works and selected works for use in catalogues, public relations (non-commercial publicity) and for educational purposes only, including the right to post images of the works on any relevant media, inclusive of web-site on a long-term basis.


1.   For overseas residents, Silpakorn University will be responsible for repackaging all the works appropriately in the tubes and returning by post to the artists.
2.   For Thai residents, the contestants can pick up the original works at :
     Art and Culture Office,  L  Floor, Office of the President,
     Silpakorn University, Thailand 
3.  The university will notify the contestants for the exact period of time available   
     for picking up the works after. The university will not be responsible for any loss   
     or damage to works which are not collected within the notified period of time.
4.   The university will give each contestant a copy of the bilingual exhibition catalogue.


August 1st  20th , 2014                  Submission period for initial screening
September 24th -25th, 2014          Initial selection is proceeded
October 7th, 2014                    Announcement of the initial selection   
November 27th -29th, 2014              Submission period for the original works
January 21st , 2015                       Final selection is proceeded        
February 2nd , 2015                 Prize winners are announced

May – June 2015                    Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Thailand

CDs/ DVDs and the original works should be submitted to :

         “ The 4th  Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition”  
  Address:        Art and Culture Office
       L Floor, Office of the President,  Silpakorn University
                        22 Borommarachachonnani Road, Taling Chan District,
       Bangkok 10170, THAILAND
       Phone:   +66 (0)2 849-7564    (0)2 849-7538
  +66 (0)2 849-7530 ext. 31105, 31106, 31666, 31668
Fax:       +66 (0)2 849-7539
        E – mail:




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